Box 29 - Amount Paid
Box29 contains the total of all payments against the session charges shown in Box24f.
There are several strategies or philosophies related to what should actually appear in this Box29:
- By default, DELPHI32 will print nothing in this box when billing a primary insurance carrier regardless of any actual payments received. The reason for this follows: Suppose the insurance carrier agrees to pay 80% of charges and that you happen to submit a bill for $100.00. Common sense would dictate that the insurance carrier should pay you $80.00 dollars. Also suppose that the patient made a $20 co-payment at the time of the session. In this scenario, your claim might show $100 in total charges and $20 in amount paid with a balance of $80 dollars. Some insurance carriers will attempt to pay you 80% of the balance instead of the charge which results in you getting paid $64 dollars. This is a "trick" that some insurance carriers try in their attempts to make your life difficult and not pay you what they really owe.
- You can override the default of not showing payments on insurance bills in the Accounting Setup Screen.
- By default, DELPHI32 will always print the total of payments received when billing secondary insurance carriers.