Updates to DELPHI32 are made on an ongoing basis due to any of the factors listed below. We suggest you check our web site from time to time for announcements about the latest versions. Updates to DELPHI32 are available only to those customers that maintain their annual maintenance fee of $100 dollars.
- Downloads Page - You may download the latest version of DELPHI32 from the Downloads Page.
- Your customer input - We spend thousands of hours each year listening to the needs of our customers and then responding to those needs by incorporating your requests into new versions of DELPHI32. Often, by the time our customers call to alert us to an issue, we have already incorporated the new feature into the software and it is immediately available for download. The great benefit to both you and us is that DELPHI32 has grown over 20 years to meets the needs and special circumstances of thousands of customers. We like to say, "Our customers wrote our software" and we mean it!
- Smarter - Aside from improvements generated by customer input, we have become a lot smarter over the years. We take DELPHI32 very seriously and are always eager to improve it in ways we only dreamt of in the past. This is where most of the cool new features come from that allow you to do things the way you want. This is also our favorite part.
- Changing technology - Many updates to DELPHI32 are due to changes in the computer industry itself. Each time Microsoft releases new version of Windows, our software must be rewritten and adapted (remember DOS, Windows 3.1, Win95, Win98, etc.) . Additionally, computer and printer technology changes over time which render older technologies obsolete. The computer world is in constant change and requires us to keep up to date with those changes that effect all of our customers.
- Maintenance Fee - Updates are available to those customers that maintain their annual maintenance fee of $100 dollars. The annual maintenance fee begins one year after your purchase of DELPHI32.
- Free Phone Support - Please understand that free telephone support is not the same as ongoing updates to the software. Free telephone support means you can always call us for help when you need it. The annual maintenance fee allows you to keep up to date with new versions of the software that allow you to continue to use DELPHI32 in the constantly changing world of computers.
- Check for new versions - Be sure to check our web site (www.delphipbs.com) from time to time to look for the latest changes to DELPHI32.